Burlington Telecom Innovation Fund 

The Burlington Telecom Innovation Fund is designed to inject capital into the Burlington entrepreneurial ecosystem to help startups and growth companies get to the next level.  It has an available capital pool of $2.5MM over 10 years, to be used for investments in flexible structures allocated across a mix of startups and more established growth companies.

The Fund will seek out businesses that have the potential to create a positive impact on Burlington’s economy, create and/or retain Burlington jobs, and promote diversity. 

The advisory committee will recommend investments in attractive Burlington-based businesses with a focus on enhancing diversity (priority given to women, people of color, people with disabilities, and other historically disadvantaged groups, and /or businesses whose products or services support those groups.)  The committee will also look at businesses with a technology angle that can take advantage of the Burlington Telecom network such as digital media, artificial intelligence, cyber security, gaming, IOT, Ed Tech, Agro Tech, etc. in order to create/retain well-paying jobs in the ecosystem.   

To qualify for the fund, businesses ideally are located in the Burlington Telecom service area, and/or local to Burlington with an interest in staying in Burlington with the investment used for enhancing their Burlington operation.  Businesses outside of Burlington will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 

The fund intends to support local, diverse entrepreneurs, who in turn will increase the community contribution of invested companies to Burlington’s economy, fulfill diversity goals, bring attention and interest generated by the investments to the local economy, and increase the ability to keep businesses local as they grow and raise additional capital.

Fund Criteria

Is your business a good fit for the Burlington Telecom Innovation fund? Some commonalities for applicants to be a good fit for capital investment include but are not limited to:

  • Meeting the above social goals

  • Commitment to Burlington

  • Attractive market opportunity (size and growth)

  • Defined market need

  • Differentiated product/solution

  • Sustainable competitive advantage

  • Demonstrated proof of concept

  • Scalable business model

  • Committed management team

  • Producing community value (i.e., creating local jobs with professional growth opportunities)

  • Ability to attract additional capital

  • Ability to generate returns on capital

In addition, the fund will also invest in early-stage high social impact companies that are promoting directly or indirectly the above-stated diversity objectives.


If you would like to get in touch about potential investment consideration by the Investment Advisory Committee, please send us a note using the form below. For general questions, please contact Adam Roof (adam@btvignite.com).

About the Investment Advisory Committee

The Investment Advisory Committee’s makeup and role is established through the terms of the sale of Burlington Telecom. Its members are as follows:

  • Lee Bouyea, Fresh Tracks Capital

  • Chris Dautel, Schurz Communications

  • Sam Roach Gerber, VCET

  • Dan Harvey, UVM

  • Faisal Nisar, ZRF Partners

  • Louisa Schibli, RuralWorks Partners

  • Janice St. Onge, Flexible Capital Fund

Also, those assisting the fund without voting authority, include:

  • Adam Roof, BTV Ignite

  • Mike Loucy, Burlington Telecom

Notice: The Burlington Telecom Innovation Fund is a private investment fund and the Investment Advisory Board is not a public body, nor does it carry a fiduciary responsibility.